Haute Hanger No1 is an original drawing by London-based artist, Matthew Lawrence.
Lawrence graduated in 2012 with Fine Art (BA Honors) from the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design. Matthew left his small hometown of Grimsby at the age of ten and spent his adolescent years in Glasgow. Post completion of studies in Scotland, Matthew headed south to London. He now lives and works there, in the industrial creative hub of Manor House, Arena Design Centre.
Matthew Lawrence’s work is a mixture of automatic painting (first practiced by the Surrealists), mixed with self-exploration. The artist spills a complex cocktail of emotions across each canvas. He delves into the vulnerabilities we usually hide deep within our subconscious.
Interestingly, Lawrence rarely has a clear image in his head that he’s working towards whilst creating his artworks. Each new work is a brand new extension of self. Not knowing what will happen next keeps it exciting for him and his collectors.
His initial inspirations came from Hans Bellmer’s drawings and Joan Miro’s paintings. However, he also finds most of today’s inspiration from the music he listens to, for example – Tom Waits. Sex and all the desires that come with it have also been an intense influence on Matthew’s work. He feels that the connections between humans through sex can be mind warping – even more so the absence of it.
Matthew Lawrence says:
A lot of the time many of us find our minds and bodies being over consumed by living in a hectic city, where days sweep by without any attention to the build up of emotions life and relationships throw at us.
In conclusion, why not read more about Matthew Lawrence here in his artist interview – Forty Nine Questions but Art Ain’t One (ADD LINK WHEN INTERVIEW GOES LIVE ON SITE !!!!)