Forty Nine Questions and Art ain’t One
- Favourite Colour? PINK
- When you were growing up what did you want to be? Furniture Designer or Rock Star (I’d have made a great Rock star but I’d be dead now)
- Name the Place you’d most like to live in? Paris
- Seaside or Countryside Seaside
- You’re hosting a dinner party what’s your signature dish? Lasagna
- Dogs or Cats? Cats but they have to really fluffy.
- What was your nickname at school? Fags – derived from my surname Syrett – Cigarette – Fags
- Most influential person in your life? Really don’t know as so many people have helped me at different times in my life.
- If you could go back in time to which period would you go to? I go back to Studio 54 times in NYC
- Name an Instagram account you follow. @therealpandemonia
- Favourite Museum or Gallery V&A
- If money was no object, what luxury item would you buy yourself? Tennis bracelet a big one, I love diamonds.
- First single/album you bought. Bought all these singles on the same day: Hit me with your Rhythm Stick – Ian Dury & the Blockheads, I will Survive – Gloria Gaynor and Lucky Number – Lena Lovich eclectic taste even at the age of 9.
- Person you’d love to meet? My Grandad as I never met him.
- Describe your ultimate romantic date. A long weekend in Paris, staying on the Rive Gauche.
- You are happiest when……. Lost in my artwork or sitting on a hot beach with a cold beer
- What makes you sad? What successive politicians have done to the world.
- If you could change one thing about the world. I’d make Lobbyists illegal.
- Whats the first thing on your bucket list? Visit Japan
- Favorite Restaurant? London: Sexy Fish in Berkeley Square Paris: Maison de la Truffle Place Madelaine
- Book shop or Record Shop? Record Shop every time
- Name your favourite book? Anything by Taschen
- Pet Hate Rudeness to waiting staff
- Prize Possession A jug my Gran decorated with beads, jewels and the head of a cow off of a jug. Its beautifully weird.
- How many tattoos/piercings do you have? 1 tattoo (but thinking about another)/ 7 piercings
- Gym or Jim Bean? Jim Bean
- What colour are your eyes? Green/Brown
- Junk Food which is your dirty secret? If up North then Fish & Chips but in London its the F to K to the C
- What’s your poison? Calvados
- Describe your morning routine. Check emails/instagram/facebook etc, brush teeth, then go for 1 hour walk through Primrose Hill and Regents Park, shower, coffee then get straight on the computer and clear the inbox.
- Where do you call home? Hampstead
- What makes you laugh? Mainly things that shouldn’t. I have quite a dark sense of humour.
- What perfume/aftershave do you use? No.6 a boutique brand from Brighton
- Whats you favourite season and why? Autumn, I love the clothes more.
- Describe the wildest night out you’ve ever had. It started in a Liverpool nightclub and ended in Amsterdam after going to Ministry of Sound in London, all very unplanned and very messy, but great fun from what I remember.
- What opportunity have you turned down? A job at Vogue, it was a Assistant Stylist job but the money was only £6k a year!! Who can live in London on that money, it was joke. I was really disappointed at the time.
- Have you ever been arrested? YES and thats all Im saying.
- Favorite Quote? Better to regret something you have done, than what you haven’t – Paul Arden
- First Gig? Ian Dury and the Blockheads
- Biggest Regret? Not studying abroad, I wish I’d done a PHD or something in Paris or Milan.
- Describe something that you are proud of I quit smoking, I was a big smoker, started young and got really good at it. Now I’m a year free.
- Describe yourself in 3 words. A Right Laugh…….. I hope
- Favourite film. Cabaret
- How many pairs of shoes do you own? I have 4 pink pairs for a start and then just too many….. maybe 50 pairs
- Describe a favourite walk One that has a pub at the end of it.
- Tell us whats in your bag/pockets Credit card holder and keys
- Who was the last person you called? Kim from Gone Rogue we were discussing my next show which she is curating at the ME Hotel.
- Whats the tune/band that you are listening to the most? Idles and St Vincent
- Whats your cure for a hangover? I thought there was only one cure…… bacon.