Jean Luc Brouard Signature

Based in Brighton Jean-Luc provides images for a range of clients in the areas of Portraiture, Fashion and Still life.

More than happy to work in a studio his true love is location based work, where his willingness to go almost anywhere combined with a passion for controlled lighting means nowhere is out of bounds when it comes to getting the right shot.

When not working on commissions Jean-Luc relaxes by shooting personal projects, the latest of which sees him trekking across the countryside at night for the on-going series titled Nocturnal Arboreal.

  1. Favourite Colour? That dark blue you get at dusk high up in the sky. (so Pantone 2756c)
  2. When you were growing up what did you want to be? Taller or working somewhat in a creative way.
  3. Name the Place you’d most like to live in? My house
  4. Seaside or Countryside  Both
  5. You’re hosting a dinner party what’s your signature dish? Beef Wellington or Reindeer... I can't decide.... so Reindeer Wellington?
  6. Dogs or Cats? Both
  7. What was your nickname at school?  Didn't have one (that i know of)
  8. Most influential person in your life?  Most people i've met or read about
  9. If you could go back in time to which period would you go to? 1927 so i could go to warehouse jazz parties with my Gran (who was a lot younger then & also alive)
  10. Name an Instagram account you follow.  @nick_knight
  11. Favourite Museum or Gallery  Natural History Museum but then also the Criminology Museum in San Jose Costa Rica was great too!
  12. If money was no object, what luxury item would you buy yourself?  I'd clone stuff. Y'know favourite pets, dead friends etc..... i'd clone lots of stuff....
  13. First single/album you bought. Dead Kennedys. Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables
  14. Person you’d love to meet?  (Dead) Salvidor Dali (alive) Grace Jones
  15. Describe your ultimate romantic date.  Some warm evening in Europe with my fiancé.......
  16. You are happiest when…….  i never know, it just happens. randomly
  17. What makes you sad?  when i think of when i'm meant to be happiest
  18. If you could change one thing about the world.  Less Humans
  19. Whats the first thing on your bucket list?  i don't have a bucket list
  20. Favorite Restaurant? Roadside fish grill cart in St Lawrence Gap, Barbados (best Marlin ever) & that steak/frites place off oxford street  (Dan can you just insert the name of it, i can't remember)
  21. Book shop or Record Shop?  Bookshop.... you lose time
  22. Name your favourite book? Impossible. Too many i've liked
  23. Pet Hate  Questions
  24. Prize Possession  Eyes
  25. How many tattoos/piercings do you have? 11 tattoos & now only 1 piercing
  26. Gym or Jim Bean?  The liquid one
  27. What colour are your eyes?  Green
  28. Junk Food which is your dirty secret?  Chicken & Doughnut. LA
  29. What’s your poison?  Turkish Coffee
  30. Describe your morning routine. As a hideous night owl its usually sleep....
  31. Where do you call home? Brighton or LA
  32. What makes you laugh? Wrong stuff
  33. What perfume/aftershave do you use? whatever is left (or Polo Extreme Sport by choice)
  34. Whats you favourite season and why? Winter, it allows for more darkness
  35. Describe the wildest night out you’ve ever had. Nope. theres no way i'm spilling any beans....
  36. What opportunity have you turned down? Most of them
  37. Have you ever been arrested?  Have you not?
  38. Favorite Quote? "sleep, those little slices of death - how i loathe them" if it was Edgar Allan Poe or not, i don't really care. i just like it. 
  39. First Gig?  It was a rave in some warehouse
  40. Biggest Regret? Suddenly not being in my 20's
  41. Describe something that you are proud of Have you seen my fiancé's ass?
  42. Describe yourself in 3 words.  Stubborn, durable, tendons.
  43. Favourite film.  Come & See.
  44. How many pairs of shoes do you own?  More than my feet need
  45. Describe a favourite walk Any that aren't during London Fashion Week
  46. Tell us whats in your bag/pockets  Cash, lighter, wallet, Kubotan, camera, loose change, cigarettes, camera
  47. Who was the last person you called? Mum, to make sure she didn't get lost on a flight
  48. Whats the tune/band that you are listening to the most?  Right now?... Bubba Sparks & The Ying Yang Twins.... Miss New Booty
  49. Whats your cure for a hangover? Just tough it out
  50. Do you have an addiction? er.... being alive. i really like it